Saturday 23 April 2011

Brida - Paulo Coelho

The scene around her changed. She was no longer in a desert, but immersed in a kind of liquid, in which various strange creatures were swimming.
            ‘Life is about making mistakes,’ said the Teacher. ‘Cells went on re-producing themselves in exactly same way for millions of years, until one of them made a mistake, and introduced change into that endless cycle of repetition.’
            Brida was gazing in amazement at the sea. She didn’t ask how it was possible for them to breathe in there; all she wanted to hear was the Teacher’s voice, all she could think of was a similar journey she had made and which had begun in a field of wheat.
            ‘It was a mistake that had set the world in motion,’ said the Teacher. ‘Never be afraid of making a mistake.’
            ‘But Adam and Eve were driven out of Paradise due to a mistake
            ‘And they will return one day knowing the miracle of the heavens and of the entire world. God knew what he was doing when he drew their attention to the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. If he hadn’t wanted them to eat it, he would never have mentioned it.’
            ‘So why did he, then?’
            ‘In order to set the Universe in motion.’

Excerpt from  "Brida" by Paulo Coelho____________________

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