Saturday 23 April 2011

The Mystic MARRAIGE exercise- Attuning to the alpha-brain wave state in order to communicate with spirit being.

This exercise activates and aligns the upper four chakra centres of the body (for more information on chakras go to: It increses the flow of energy to them and it enables greater use of our intuitive and higher self capabilities. This in turn facilitates recognition of our spirit guides. Take your time with this exercise. Pay attention to the sequence.
This helps induce the altered state or 'alpha brain wave' state that enables us to see spirits more easily.
1. Bring your attention (your conciousness) to your "third eye". Envision this area growing into a brilliant crystalline light. As you inhale, see and feel this area warm and brighten with this light. Hold for a count for ten. Slowly exhale. Repeat three times.
2. Now, as you inhale, draw the light backward from the brow area through the head, ending at a point near the crown of the head. This is the area of the crown chakra. This chakra awakens the Higher Self Conciousness and your preexisting reunion with the spirit realm.
3. As you visuialze this ball of light moving backward, also imagine a bridge of light- a rainbow bridge-being formed between the brow and the crown chakras. See and feel it as warm and shimmering with energy.
4. Hold the focus of light in the crown area for a count of ten, then exhale slowly. Repeat three times. Feel the warmth and energy filling the enitre head.
5.Now bring your conciousness, in the form of that brilliant light, down to the throat area. See it as a rainbow bridge extending from the crown centre to the throat. Here is another major chakra. This chakra is aligned with creative will and the ability of clairaudience.
6. As you inhale, feel this centre come alive with crystalline brilliance. Hold the breath for a count of ten, as with other two centres, then slowly exhale. Repeat at least three times. Imagine and feel the energy and light intensify with each breath.
7. Now draw the conciousness and energy down from the throat to the area of the heart. See this as yet another extension of the rainbow bridge. Feel the area of hte heart warm and begin to radiate with crystalline energy.
8. Inhale, holding for a count of ten. As you hold your breath, feel the energy intensify; as you exhale, see and feel the link that has been formed with the other three energy centres. Slowly exhale and repeat three times the least. The higher centres of perceptions are activated.
9. You must now complete the circuit. Draw the conciousness upward from  the heart to the third eye, completing the rainbow bridge that connects the four centres. Feel this bridge grow with new intensity and energy from having activated and aligned itself with other three chakras.
Now, once you have performed this exercise several times you will become aware of its effects upon you. Then, as you reach the final step, allowing yourself to bask with renewed energy, open your senses to those of the spirit realm.
Keep your eyes closed, extend your sources outward. Pay attention to any new or different sensations. Do you sense a presence? Are any particular colors standing your mind's eye? Do you feel a tinging, pressure or tempreture change? Are there any new, unexplained fragrances? Do you sense anything different?
Don't force it as new impressions and spirit contacts will come softly and naturally as your energy feild becomes more and more storng with the excersise. Ask, mental questions if you sense a strange presence (without opening your eyes, of course) Is there a guide close to me? Are you male or female? Will you identify with a touch?
Pause and use your senses. If your feel something, ask it to be repeated. This will help you confirm that its not a product of your mind. If there is no touch ask for a color, symbol, fragrance, or visual image. Ask form some kind of identification. If you don't get it initially don't be discouraged. As you continue your efforts will be renewed.
When you get a response continue the mental questioning: name? purpose? Visualize yourself having a conversation with this being. Remember imagination and visualization helps us to access the subconcious which is attuned to subtle nergies and entities around us.

I personally recommend that if you are very much intrested in occult communications with spirit beings you gather first as much information as you can. Here are some of my personally recommended books:
Learn How to Meet & Work withe Spirit Guides by Ted Andrews
The Spiritualist Manual (anoynomus)
The Key of Solomon by King Solomon (translated by Samuel Mathers)
Necronomicon compiled by Simon Ed.

And for further quieries, information or to borrow books feel free to contact me.
Thanking you

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